Free Discovery Call

Hi! I’m Chris Stinson


I grew up in the Chicagoland area with a fond love for hanging out with friends, water sports and live music. I moved to Alaska for a degree in Environmental Sciences and never left this amazing state. Today I live in Girdwood Alaska with my wife Joslyn, and my two sons Passage age 11 and Lane age 9. We are avid outdoor adventures who enjoy skiing, kayaking and backpacking in the Alaskan wilderness.

As I developed into fatherhood and a very demanding professional career, I just knew there was untapped potential in my performance at work and at home. I started to read everything I could get my hands on about the neuroscience of thoughts and emotions, habit creation, and personal development. I gravitated to mindset practices and coaching and soon found myself ten times more productive at work. I implemented time hacks to find space in every day for developing my understanding of the mechanics of a highly successful mindset.

I literally transformed my perception of life and I am now expanding my abundance, success, and love everyday as I inspire others to do so also. 

My vision is to end self induced suffering brought on by subconscious negative beliefs and guide people through a life transformation by teaching tools and practices to get unstuck and start living with intention. When I show up as the best version of myself, others take notice and start taking action. The ripple effect ensues, and the planet becomes a better place. Together we can be the change we want to see in the world. 

What is Work Life Mindset?


Work Life Mindset was created to provide you with the tools to start living an intentional life. This means putting an end to living on autopilot by becoming self aware of the beliefs and thoughts that have been imprinted into your subconscious. 

If you believe that life is always happening to you and you have little control over the events that take place in your everyday experience, then Work Life Mindset is here for you. 

Many people are not getting the results they desire and so find themselves spending many of their waking hours in stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. This is a state of suffering.

Using neuroscience based exercises to take back control of your thoughts and address the habits that are keeping you from reaching your highest potential, you can spend more time everyday in a beautiful state of abundance, success, joy and love. 

Mindset work is a perspective shift and a powerful one at that. The fastest way to bring powerful change to the many areas that are hurting in your life is to stop relying on individual strategies for each area; relationships, workplace, finances, health & wellness, spirituality, and change the one lens by which you look at life.

Ready to get started?


Join me and my community to get guidance for every step of your growth journey!

One-on-One Coaching


Work 1-on-1 with me to explore your desired life outcomes, unleash your potential, and answer the question "what is holding me back?"

Let's chat

Community Coaching


Join a group of like minded individuals on weekly group calls and work towards aligning with your life purpose through your daily actions. 


14 Day Mindset Challenge


Follow my self guided 14 day mindset coaching lessons and accountability checklist to set new healthy habits and create a happier and healthier lifestyle. 

Get started

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Follow me on social media to see daily tips, inspirations, and announcements