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Coaching Outcomes and Results

  • Eliminate your day to day stress about balancing your time so that you can be fully present at home with your children and not distracted by your to-do list.
  • Thoughtfully hone in on your top goals in order to train the mind to watch for the opportunities and then take actions that will lead you to fulfill these goals. 
  • Quiet the inner voice holding you back so you can remove old habits holding you back and live your life to it’s fullest potential. 
  • A detailed routine for mornings and evenings that will set the stage to live a life free of stress, anxiety and overwhelm.
  • Structure your day down to the minute to take advantage of what science tells us are the optimal times for creativity and performance so that you can go back to excelling at your career.

The 3 Secrets

Before you even make a decision, I'll share you my 3 secrets

Secret #1

The fastest way to bring powerful change to the many areas that are hurting in your life is to stop relying on individual strategies for each area; relationships, workplace, finances, spirituality, and change the one lens by which you look at life. 

Rather than try to fix every single aspect of your life, consider training the mind so that everything and everyone is transformed at once. As we look at our life we maybe see many areas in which we would like to experience some change, some improvement of some kind. It’s tempting to self-help, to fix all of these different areas of life, fix relationships with these strategies, fix my work situation with these strategies, and we look at our life like it’s segmented into different areas. But when we look at the mind we see that the mind or our perception of our experience is defined not by all of these areas, but by the lens by which we look at life. So rather than trying to fix everything or improve anything, simply train the mind, cultivating a sense of awareness and compassion, we actually start to see a change in these things. It doesn’t mean the external environment necessarily changes but our perception of those things, our relationship to those things begins to change. And that is a change in itself. 

Secret #2

You can eliminate the guilt of pinning your work against your home life with one small shift that will unlock your ability to be the super parent to your children.

The ultimate work-life balance can only be achieved and maintained if you master your mindset. This means learning how to train your brain to react and respond to the automatic negative thoughts that are holding you back. You can re-train your brain to do this through a series of thought-provoking exercises and daily reflective journaling that will put you into a powerful state and reduce the time you spend each day in stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. 

Secret #3

By incorporating this one strategy, you can increase your capacity at work AND spend more quality time with your family. 

You can eliminate the feeling of overwhelm by adding a few simple daily rituals. Until we manage time, we can manage nothing else. You can optimize your actions and take your productivity to a whole new level without stress and anxiety by intentionally mapping out your day. You do not have to give up your career to be a stay at home parent nor do you have to sacrifice that promotion in order to be a good parent. Through habit-forming routines, the world’s most successful high achieving people wake up every day well-rested and in a highly energized state of gratitude before they even sip there coffee! Research shows us that life satisfaction and high performance are the product of good habits.If you’re not acting differently, you’re not actually learning, and thus not changing. Your behavior is what shapes circumstance, confidence, personality, and relationships”

Take the next step!

If you're ready to explore the benefits of coaching, your next step is to schedule a discovery call!

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Check out these FREE toolkits to see the type of resources, lessons, and challenges I offer in my coaching.


Connect with your deeper self and find clarity in your mind with my journaling strategy guide, lesson video, and 7 day journaling challenge.

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Take control of your time and work towards time-freedom with my three step time management guide. 

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