$250.00 USD

Every month

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Community Mindset Coaching Membership

 Let's build a future identity that sets the stage for living your dream life. Through this process you'll learn to start showing up powerfully present with your family, friends and loved ones everyday as the best version of yourself. 
With clear direction, and accountability from the community, you will learn to make new exciting commitments by inviting novelty and courage acts into your life.
I will show you how to access your powerful state of being where you find yourself having peak experiences everyday as you move towards your future self.

What you'll get:

  • Weekly Mindset Instructional Video Lessons
  • Weekly LIVE Group Coaching Sessions via Zoom Monday's 5:30pm PST.
  • Assessments and Journal Exercises to get you where you want to go in life. 
  • Access to a members only Facebook Group for sharing resources within the community.

[This is a monthly membership and can be canceled at anytime.]