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The Work Life Mindset Podcast

The Work Life Mindset Podcast

Hosted by: Chris Stinson

You can eliminate the guilt of pinning your work life against your home life with one small shift. Master your mindset. This means learning how to train your brain to respond to the automatic negative thoughts that...


Invest In Yourself

Season #2

According to Warren Buffett, the first best thing you can do to protect against inflation is to invest in yourself and your skills. If you’re the best at what you do, you will get your share of the national economic...
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5 Ways to Mentally Detach From Work

Season #2

If you want to have a better work-life balance, you need to learn how to unplug once you get home. What we are striving for is psychological detachment. This is the ability to mentally disconnect from work and not...
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Create Stronger Mental Resilience With This One New Habit

Season #2

In this episode I'm excited to show you the one new habit I've adopted to constantly strengthen my own mental resilience. There is no way I could have flipped my mindset so quickly without first learning the power of...
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Why is Resilience and Grit So Important Today?

Season #2

Resistance to change is driving most of the stress, overwhelm, frustration and fear in our world today. The hard truth is that the world, your world, is always changing. Some of this change is outside of your control....
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Why Protecting Your Mornings Will Bring Quality Over Quantity to Your Work Tasks

Season #2

If you’re like most people, your workday is a blend of low-velocity work mixed with continual distraction (e.g., social media and email). Most people’s “working time” is not spent at peak performance levels. When most...
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Do This To Switch Off Autopilot And Have Better Days

Season #2

If you lose an hour in your morning, you’ll spend your whole day looking for it. If you spend your day looking for the most important time you’ve lost, you’ll be spending your whole life on a lower-level path than you...
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Why You Will Never Be Satisfied And That's A Good Thing

Season #2

Sorry to break the news to you, but the human brain is hardwired for discontentment. This is what drove our species to evolve and survive as long as it has. After I really connected with this hard truth, I found that...
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Your Deepest WHY Exercise

Season #2

Motivation is fleeting. But DRIVE is what sustains your growth and action taking. In this episode I'm going to take you through an exercise to explore your deepest why. We will get out of your head, and into your...
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Things We All Need to Recover From (Part 2 of 2)

Season #2

In order to do this, to grow and develop sustainably for the rest of your life, you must properly “recover” from the following things on a daily basis: Work Technology People Food Fitness Being awake Unless you...
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6 things we all need to recover from (Part 1 of 2)

Season #2

True growth and success is always sustainable. It’s not a short sprint with an inevitable physical, mental, and emotional crash. All goals are means, not ends. Each succeeding stage of your progression should clearly...
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Work Life Will Always Invade your Home Life Unless You Do This One Thing

Season #2

People who have a well defined shutdown ritual to end their work day report a huge decrease in levels of stress and anxiety while at home. Taking just a few minutes to mentally but a bow on all your work tasks before...
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How Visualizing Failure Impacts Your Success

Season #2

Our brain and body are better at moving away from things we don't want, rather than moving towards things we do want.⁣ Old science told us that we should visualize our success every day as we make strides towards our...
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