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The Work Life Mindset Podcast

The Work Life Mindset Podcast

Hosted by: Chris Stinson

You can eliminate the guilt of pinning your work life against your home life with one small shift. Master your mindset. This means learning how to train your brain to respond to the automatic negative thoughts that...


Controlling your Inputs to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Season #2

Your input shapes your outlook, your outlook shapes your output. You become what you consume. Garbage in, garbage out. Upgrading your life is about enhancing the quality of everything you do. Increased quality,...
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S2 Ep 18 Two Powerful Ways to Fight Distractions

Season #2

A journey of personal growth and development requires one to take control of your attention and choose your life. The biggest barrier people face with this are Distractions. It's one thing to do the work and get very...
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8 Things you need to STOP doing when you wake up.

Season #2

You make or break your day by how you spend your morning. You either happen to the day, or the day happens to you. Learning how to take back control of your morning is going to be the most impactful thing you do for...
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How to Change Your Commitments and Start Taking New Actions

Season #2

In this episode we look back to the life evaluation exercise from last week and leverage our new found clarity into one actionable item. By making a new commitment, and setting up a system to get you to your one new...
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Life Evaluation Exercise

Season #2

Grab a pencil and some paper for this illuminating exercise to bring clarity to a few areas in your life where you get to begin your journal to self mastery. Most people are stuck, and fail to live their dream life...
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Season #2

In this Episode I introduce the BE-DO-HAVE model of intentionally creating your dream life. In psychology there is the Theory of Narrative Identity. What this says is that your identity is the story you tell about...
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Loving the Process over the Outcome

Season #2

Far too often I see people who are solely focused on some outcome. And while getting clarity on your desired future self is a critical first step, it can be difficult to then shift your focus towards not only building...
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A 6 Step Future Self Identity Checklist

Season #2

If you are not embarrassed by who you were one year ago, then you are not growing. When you finally wake up and decide that you are done living today in the same way you lived yesterday, you are going to need a plan...
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Clarity of your Values is the Prerequisite to Intentional Living

Season #2

In this episode I go deep into the importance of sitting down and clarifying your values. Without clearly defined values, your actions will never really be fully aligned. Which is the leading cause of stress and...
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3 Steps to Upgrade Your Character

Season #2

We are all playing a character in life. What is exciting about this, is that you can upgrade your character anytime you want to. Too many people think that their best version of themselves is 1-3-5 years away and they...
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The One Step Everyone Overlooks to Achieve Their Goal

Season #2

The first thing to understand is that a goal or outcome has three aspects to be considered: The HAVE, what is to be achieved The DO, what needs to be done to make it happen and The BE, or the WHO - who a person needs...
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How Imposter Syndrome Is Keeping You Stuck

Season #2

Imposter syndrome is the experience of feeling like a phony—you feel as though at any moment you are going to be found out as a fraud—like you don't belong where you are, and you only got there through dumb...
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